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User Comments

integra writes:
dezgyrl writes:
To all the "pro-choicers", I mean "pro-murderers." YOU better thank God YOUR mother was pro-life.

Actually, my mother was pro-choice. She chose to get pregnant, and she chose to keep me. Pro-choice does not equal pro-abortion.

carrotsticks writes:
prochoice 19:

it's none of your business if I plant a bomb on an airline. It's none of your business if I rob a bank, it's none of your business if I open fire on a college campus, it's none of your business if I abuse my kids- It's MY LIFE and what I do with MY LIFE is MY BUSINESS.

You know, I grow very tired of other people showing their own beliefs in my face, It should ALWAYS be my choice, it's my body, my life, I have free will for a reason. stay out of my business, and i think its absolutely wrong to make me NOT go and do what makes my life easier and brings me happiness, even if that's killing another. Killing and abusing is okay in certain cases to me, there are situations where it calls for it and if you have a problem with that, i dont care, its my life and my choice, only person can judge me is God, not you and how dare you judge me for this? its not your place and its clearly NONE of your business!

Please, keep going! You're really making your cause look good!

Posted on: Apr 22nd 2011, 5:18:11pm

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