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~Head Over Heels~

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Name:   doesheknowiexsistRanking:   --
Birthday:   1994-10-27Country:   
Joined:   2006-11-11Location:   Chesterland Ohio
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Name:   doesheknowiexsist
Birthday:   1994-10-27
Joined:   2006-11-11
Location:   Chesterland Ohio
Uploads:   1 graphics 
~I am 12 years old.
~My burthday is October 27, 1994.
~I am in 6th grade.
~I go to West Geauga Middle School (WGMS).
~West G rocks!!!
~I am a Lake Erie Ultimate cheerleader.
~I love my friends and all of the guys.
~My best buds that are girls are: rachel, rissa, kenzi, lindz, jay, nicole l., and so so so many more.
~My best guy friends are: brandon, brennen, anthony, vince, ane more.
~<3I have the biggest crush on a guy named Brennen H.! I have liked him since the second day of school and that is 80 nonstop days (including the weekends)! the second school dance was on my birthday and he slow danced with me. On friday november 10th, 2006 me and 17 of my friends including the guys went to go see santa claus 3 and i sat next to him. he spilled his drink on me and theis is what the conversation siad:
"did i spill that on you?" brennen asked.
"ya and it is really cold!" i replied.
"i am so sorry!" he apologized like 5 times in a row
"it is okay i am not mad." i calmly replied.
" here have my popcorn." he offered.
"no thank you. it is yours." i replied.
"i dont want it." he said
"neither do i." i siad back to him.
so then he handed it to me and i acceted it.
"thanks!" i said
so later that night after the movie i still had his popcorn and i ended up with a drik. i knew it was his and i drank some in the girls bathroom with my frinds telling me to. so i drank some. i went out of the bathroom and plyed dumb asking whos drink it was.
"is it mountain dew?" brennen asked
"i dont know." i said answering the question
but i kept drinking it and he knew it was his and he didnt care. but he likes marissa (rissa) so it doesnt matter. sometimes i feel as thoug i dont evan exsist or that he doesnt evan know that i exsist. but i love him more than anything in the world! and i cant stop and i will for ever well at least the end of the school year which is 180 days not counting breaks, snowdays, power outage days, and weekends.
_I have a mom and a dad but they are divorced.
~my mom has a boyfriend that has a 22 year old daughter, a 14 year old son, a 12 year old son, a 10 year old son, and a 6 year old son.
~My dad has a girlfriend that has a 19 year old daughter who is in the marines, a 15 year old son, and a 12 year old son.
~I have real sibling he is a boy and he is 10.
~So i am stuck with 7 boys and 2 girls.
~ i hang out with my firends and the guys all of the time. WE go shopping and to the movies a lot!
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