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Name:   faq!Ranking:   --
Birthday:   2011-02-15Country:   
Joined:   2011-02-15Location:   
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Name:   faq!
Birthday:   2011-02-15
Joined:   2011-02-15
(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is this?
It is a virtual pet shop where you can adopt and care for a pet from a wide selection of furry friends and give it a home. Get a food, drink, toy, home, and a babysitter for your pet. Earn badges to go to the next level of adopting. Earn coinz to buy things, grab a bite, or take your pet somewhere. There's always something to do at The Pet Place!

How do I get a pet?
It's simple! Copy the form, paste it into the comment box, fill it out, and send it in. I will try to get your pet and your pet's things to you as fast as I can!

What do the badges do?
Whenever you level up, you get a badge. Leveling up leads to more fun activities, exclusive items, etc. If you check in with us when your online and saying that your pet's doing good, you level up. But not every day. Here is the chart for levels:

New Adopter - Beginner (1-4 weeks) - Level 1
Good Adopter - Advanced Beginner (1 month) - Level 2
Great Adopter - Intermediate (1-3 months) - Level 3
Excellent Adopter - Advanced Intermediate (4-7 months) - Level 4
Purrrfect Adopter - Advanced (7-12 moths+) - Level 5

What can I do with badges?
You could do a lot with badges! Put them on your profile, use them for your pet's vacations, etc. Remember: the more you level up, the more exclusive items, luxurious trips, and a wider variety of pets you could choose from!

How do you earn coinz?
You can earn coinz in many ways. When you are a 1st time adopter, you automatically get 100 coinz. When you level up, you get 50 coinz. You can get coinz by making clickies for the club, (when you're not a clickie maker) and you will get 20 coinz per clickie. You can get coinz when you give me an idea for the shop, and you will get 10 points per idea. When you enter a contest, you will automatically get 5 coinz for participation. However, if you win the contest, you will get 100 coinz, per win. When you fill out your form in the beginning, you pick out a job. Every job gets a certain amount per week. Here is the chart for how many coinz you can get per job:

Co-Owner - 150 coinz per week.
Welcomer - 100 coinz per week.
Advertiser - 75 coinz per week.
Clickie Maker - 50 coinz per week.
Birthday Wisher -25 coinz per week.
Idea giver - 15 coinz per week + 10 coinz per idea.
Helper - Is not illegible for coinz. (More info below)
Member - 10 coinz per week.

How do I know how many coinz I have?
Well, I handle that. Every adopter gets a credit card. When you decide to buy something or go on a trip with a credit card, show me your credit card and I will let you get whatever you want, and I will take the money out of your credit card. You can get a credit card in any color or picture! I will soon be making a member's page so you can see how many coinz exactly you have.

What happens if I break the rules?
Well, you have a limit of times you can break them. All including warnings or bannings. Here is the chart for what can happen when you break a rule:

1st defense - a warning.
2nd defense - your pet will be taken from you for for 3 days.
3rd defense - your pet will be taken from you and you will be banned for 1 week.
4th defense - your pet will be taken from you and you will be banned for 1 month.
5th defense - your pet will be readopted to the shoppe, you will be banned from the shoppe forever, and you will be reported to the owners of

What if I see someone breaking the rules?
Tell me (the owner) or one of our Co-Owners. We will do one of the following above. You will be rewarded for your achievement.

I am confused about helpers. What do they do?
Helpers just help out the shop. They do not adopt a pet. But they can later on, if they want to.

Cool Pets! Where do you get them from?
I get all of my pets from! I do not take anything from any other site, unless I get the permission.

Your theme - how do you get all of your graphic like that?
Well, I use a program called "Photofiltre" to make clickies, banners, and other graphics.
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User Comments

faq! writes:
Got a question? Ask it here.

Posted on: Mar 1st 2011, 3:44:15pm

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