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Every thing is troublesome.......

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Name:   narashadow99Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1990-10-21Country:   
Joined:   2007-03-13Location:   Portage,IN
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   3 graphics 
Name:   narashadow99
Birthday:   1990-10-21
Joined:   2007-03-13
Location:   Portage,IN
Uploads:   3 graphics 
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Hey im Shikamaru what of it, im not easily excited and im a chunnin so deal with comment me and i might read them if im not too busy. Besides me this,Itachi, must be my favorite chacter cause i mean he is such a badass.... anyway if you go to newgrounds and type in akatsuki look for Real life akatsuki its freaking hilarious they cuss alot but it is worth it
.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"
Hey im Shikamaru what of it, im not easily excited and im a chunnin so deal with comment me and i might read them if im not too busy. Besides me this,Itachi, must be my favorite chacter cause i mean he is such a badass.... anyway if you go to newgrounds and type in akatsuki look for Real life akatsuki its freaking hilarious they cuss alot but it is worth itthis is a pic of Gaara i made to thank Gaara2 for helping me get these IMg codes

im in trouble

hahaha im pricless!

See look sasuke is gay everybody stop loving him he is raping naruto! Naruto will die and they will have a freak homo baby mmm k hes gay ladies alright get it through your skulls!!!!!!
Curling a billion pounds!

Thats me alright
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