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Obito Uchiha was a Chunin-level ninja featured in the Kakashi Gaiden chapters of the Naruto manga. Obito wanted to prove his strength to Kakashi Hatake, who was his teammate and his biggest rival. Obito also had a crush on his other teammate, Rin. On his and Kakashi's mission to rescue Rin, Obito finally proved his strength to Kakashi by activating the Uchiha clan's special kekkei genkai, the Sharingan. When all seemed to be going well the Iwagakure shinobi Kakko used Earth Release: Rock Lodging Destruction and would've crushed Kakashi, if Obito hadn't pushed him away in time. This heroic act buried Obito's right side in a rockslide. Obito, knowing that he was going to die, offered his Sharingan to Kakashi, so he could defeat the rock ninja and save Rin. Rin, a medical ninja, implanted Obito's left eye into Kakashi's left eye socket. Thus Sharingan Kakashi was born. Before Obito died his last thoughts were on both Kakashi and Rin. He wished that he could have spent more time with them. Obito has his name inscribed on the monument for ninja who are killed in battle. It is for Obito that Kakashi visits this monument every day, consequently making him consistently late for meetings, which has been passed on from Obito as well.

Obito was the person who gave Kakashi his signature chronic tardiness and pioneered the now famous Kakashi line "In the ninja world, those who don't follow the rules are considered trash, but those who don't protect their comrades are lower than trash."

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