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Stickers » Misc » I don't like the Jonas Brother...

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If you're a Jonas Brothers fan, don't waste my valuable time commenting. I already know what you're going to say.

If, however, you DON'T like the Jonas Brothers, feel free to post something it'll be worth my time to read. Preferably, something not written in ALL CAPS or all lower case, with too many punctuation marks (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), swear words, or eloooooooooongaaaaaateeeeeeeed words like 96% of rabid Jonas Brothers fangirls do. Some of you, I know, feel strongly enough about this to do these things, but I do hope you can learn to behave more intelligently and not stoop to their level. Some of you have even taken the initiative to tell WHY you don't like them!

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User Comments

giaxp writes:
Why are they famous? They sing horribly, and they aren't even attractive at ALL.

Posted on: Jul 8th 2011, 10:09:39am

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