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User Comments

bare footed freak writes:

Posted on: Jun 9th 2011, 8:11:37am

aceoh writes:
So, this graphic is somewhat offensive. I understand that it can be considered funny, but someone's personal beliefs aren't something to be made fun of. Its understandable that you might not agree with them, but mocking them isn't really mature. If this was a sexist graphic, or a racist graphic, it wouldn't be funny then, would it? So forgive me, if I'm not particularly amused.

And for everyone who insists on acting like they know who's going to go to hell and who isn't. Christians and Nonbelievers alike. LIGHTEN UP. You have enough to worry about without taking on God's jobs. Its his decision, not yours.

And to everyone who likes to blame God for the shit in our world today. God gave us the free will to do as we please. Last time I checked it was MANKIND who was fucking up. Not God. Its funny how He's the first one to get blamed for the shit Mankind Starts. You want to stop Crime, Rape, Death, Hate, Pain, Saddness, Loss, Corruption . . . YOU do something about it.
@Integra....randomly spouting Bible Verses doesnt make you look smart. What the hell does Mathew 23:36 have to do with Jesus' return? Read the chapter...He's prophesizing (sp?) about events that will occur. Not when he will return.

God explicitly says you will not know the day or the hour when he will return. Why dont you go find that verse and quote it too.

Mark 9:1 ...? Any point in quoting it? Its basically saying that when the Kingdom of Heaven comes people will still be alive to witness it.

No one likes having religion shoved down their throats. I agree. No one likes when you misuse and misquote their beliefs either. If you dont know, shut up. Simple.

Did God tell you this personally?? Did you have a conversation with him? if not, Where exactly did you get this in the bible?When did God say good people will go to hell? Im honestly curious. All I know is that God Says Everyone will be judged in the end.

Really, Unlike this graphic, I find YOU amusing.


Posted on: Jan 22nd 2011, 2:26:07am

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