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Name:   ashley_loverRanking:   --
Birthday:   1999-06-07Country:   
Joined:   2010-06-14Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   ashley_lover
Birthday:   1999-06-07
Joined:   2010-06-14
<b>Bold Text</b>
Italic Text = <i>Italic Text</i>
Underlined Text = <u>Underlined Text</u>
Striked-Out Text = <strike>Striked-Out Text</strike>
Sub ScriptText = <sub>Sub Script</sub> Text
Super ScriptText = <sup>Super Script</sup> Text
Typewriter Text = <tt>Typewriter Text</tt>
• To use a combination of them, eg. Bold&Italic = <b><i>Bold&Italic</i></b>
• To change the color of your text, use <font color="#color code here">.
eg: Pink Text = <font color="#FF3399">Pink Text</font>
Click here for the color codes to use for your text.
You can also use the name of a color, eg: Pink = <font color="pink">Pink</font>
• To change the size of your text, use <font size="size number here">.
eg: Sized 3 Text = <font size="3">Sized 3 Text</font>

There are 7 font sizes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
• To change the font of your text, use <font face="font name here">.
eg: Georgia = <font face="Georgia">Georgia</font>
Names of popular fonts: Arial, Arial black, Book Antiqua, Century Gothic, Courier new, Garamound, Georgia, Impact, Lucida Console, Monotype Corsiva, Small Fonts, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet Ms, Verdana.
• To make your text spaced out or cramped together,
eg. Spaced Out (2px) = <font style="letter-spacing:2px">Spaced Out</font>
Cramped (-1px) = <font style="letter-spacing:-1px">Cramped Together</font> Change the 'px' to any number... but it's best to keep it small so the text is readable.
• To add a background color to your text, use <font style="background-color: #color code here">.
eg. Light Grey Background
= <font style="background-color: #f8f8f8">Light Grey Background</font>
To make the background color span the width of the text area, add "display: block" to the code, eg. Light Grey Wide Background = <font style="background-color: #f8f8f8; display: block">Light Grey Wide Background</font>
Centering this can look good to use as a heading, add "text-align: center" to the code, eg. Light Grey Wide Background Centered = <font style="background-color: #f8f8f8; display: block; text-align: center">Light Grey Wide Background Centered</font> • Popular special characters to use in text:
♥ = &hearts; · = &middot; © = &copy; ® = &reg; « = &laquo
» = &raquo; º = &ordm; ™ = &trade; † = &dagger;

• To make text or images start on a new line, use "<br>"... the number of "<br>"s you use will determine the number of blank lines.
• For extra horizontal spaces between text or images, use "&nbsp;"
eg: Spaced &nbsp Out &nbsp Text = Spaced &nbsp; Out &nbsp; Text. The number of "&nbsp;"s determines the amount of space.
• To center text or images, wrap them around "<center>" tags. eg:
Centered Text
= <center>Centered Text</center>
• To align text or images to the right, wrap them around "<p align="right">" tags. eg:

Right-Aligned Text
= <p align="right">Right-Aligned Text</p>
• To align text or images to the left, wrap them around "<p align="left">" tags. eg:

Left-Aligned Text
= <p align="left">Left-Aligned Text</p>
• For scrolling text or images, wrap them around "<marquee>" tags. text eg: Scrolling Text = <marquee>Scrolling Text<marquee>
image eg: = <marquee><img src="image url here"><
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