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Girl Scouts do it better.

Name:   olivia ftwRanking:   --
Birthday:   1920-12-17Country:   
Joined:   2009-02-18Location:   where people never die.
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   1 graphics 
Name:   olivia ftw
Birthday:   1920-12-17
Joined:   2009-02-18
Location:   where people never die.
Uploads:   1 graphics 

I don't know what to effing write! 0: I'm one of those people that writing essays are easier. -_-
So I guess my name you might already know. If not then I don't really care. I like 1,000+ things and hate the same amount. The others I haven't experienced yet. Now that that's outta the way....
I'm taken by the most amazing person ever. Don't try to get at me, he'll literally kick your ass.
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